The departing halide extracts a proton from the second water and the generated hydroxyl ligand reacts with the ethylene, while remaining in the coordination sphere of the metal. 分开的卤化物从第二个水分子得到一个质子,同时产生的羟基配合体与乙烯反应,留在了金属的配位区内。
Structure of Coordination Sphere of Eu(ⅲ) in its Organic Extract Phases 有机萃取相中Eu(Ⅲ)的配位层结构
Envisages on Economic Coordination Sphere between China and Border Countries 关于中国与周边国家经济协作圈的构想
This paper proposes a coordination framework of transaction processing based on Web Services. This framework applies the transaction model which supports function substitution, and the concurrency control coordination mechanism based on conflict sphere. 本文提出了一个基于Web服务的事务处理协调框架,框架中采用支持功能候选的事务模型,以及基于冲突域的事务并发控制机制,以满足民航领域系统集成和流程自动化管理和实施的需求。
Coordination radius is the ratio of mean radius of all spheres contacting aim sphere with the radius of aim sphere. 配位半径是与目标球体接触球体半径的平均值与目标球体半径之比。